Mar 26, 2023
3/24/23 - GOP Presidential hopefuls like Mike Pompeo have no chance at winning the nomination, simply because they refuse to stand firm on the issue of life. Fake Catholic Jill Biden insists that men need to step up and support women; yet, don't the Democrats insist that the life issue "doesn't concern" men? We'll cover...
Mar 23, 2023
3/23/23 - Fortitude, as defined in the catechism, is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good. It strengthens the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death,...
Mar 21, 2023
3/21/23 - Listen for yourself: Jesus and his Holy Catholic Church may be the only thing(s) powerful enough to shake a Navy SEAL to the core. Just ask Sam Blair, a former Navy SEAL officer with over a decade of experience leading the most elite teams around the globe. After holding leadership positions on multiple SEAL...
Mar 20, 2023
3/20/23 - Many have speculated about the unknown details of St. Joseph’s life, and several mystics were granted visions that portrayed the hidden days - both the ordinary and the extraordinary - of Our Lord’s appointed guardian vividly and profoundly. Dr. Paul Thigpen’s new book The Life of Saint Joseph as Seen by...
Mar 17, 2023
3/17/23 - As pro-lifers, it is our duty to do whatever we can to change every human heart and mind when it comes to the concept of Constitutional personhood. That starts with educating the opposition (or those in our movement who are "too soft") on topics such as IVF, the abortion pill, and other harmful practices...