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Dec 29, 2023

Back to the basics on the topic of personhood! What does the term mean, how can we educate those who are unfamiliar, and what role does that play in the war against abortion? We'll also unpack recent news and current events in the fight against the killing of the preborn. 

Dec 28, 2023

12/28/23 - If you enjoy The Simple Truth and the other great programs from The Station of the Cross, please consider making a donation of any size by calling 1-877-711-8500 or online at

Dec 27, 2023

12/27/23 - We'll discuss growing closer to our Blessed Mother Mary and our Eucharistic Lord Jesus, along with examples from the life of St. John the Apostle, apparitions of our Lady, and personal testimonies.

Please consider making a donation of any size by calling 1-877-711-8500 or online at

Dec 26, 2023

12/26/23 - A native of England, Joseph Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of the St. Austin Review, series editor of the Ignatius Critical Editions, senior instructor with Homeschool Connections, and senior contributor at the Imaginative Conservative. 

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Dec 22, 2023

12/22/2023 - Jim Havens and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato recaps the latest in prolife news while providing cutting-edge pro-life updates that you won't hear anywhere else.